I'll just take for granted that you have seen this week's FOTW by now ?

That fly works pretty well. Here are some Orange ones just like it:

[url=]Orange 8/0 Deceivers[/url:64fb2]

The way we do it on the Wset Coast is to get them up on chum and then trick them into eating feathers. My guide uses a makeral cut in half. He ties the back half of the mac onto a conventional bait caster rig by tail wrapping the mac. No hook. Then when Mr. Big Eyes appears boatside looking for chow, you cast the mac into the water about 25 feet away from the boat with a resounding splash. Let the shark find it and then jerk it away. Wait and splash it down two more times-each time pulling it away from his nose before he eats it. By now you have a fully excited Mako! Next, make sure you cast a good 25-30 feet away with the mac. At the exact time, and when the shark is on the bait again- you switch: The fly angler casts his fly to the exact spot where the bait is just as the mac is jerked away cleanly back over the head of the bait caster person. The Mako then turns and eats the fly no problem.

Works over here...
