Glad to hear you have had no problem D. I have talked to many who have had the same experience as me but I have talked to a few that have said the Vanish is OK.

I can tell you why Vanish is so much cheaper and that's simply because Vanish is a much cheaper grade of fluoro. When Berkley was developing it, they were pressured by the big boxes to offer a much lower, price point fluoro. So, they had to change it up and greatly reduce the grade of materials used to get it into that super sharp pricepoint. They are not simply selling a high-grade fluoro for much less money. Test like diameters for knot strength, abrasion resistance and overall breaking strength and you?ll really see the difference.

If the Vanish works for you that's great. You will not see me using it and I know several guides that will not go near it ever again either. To each his own I guess . . .

Forgot to mention above that one might get sticker shock when they see the price of Terminator Ti wire. Yes, it's not cheap, BUT in this case you really get what you pay for. Because it's pretty much impossible to kink or bend you will use far less of it than other types of wire. Last year I must have thrown out 10 or 12 spools of Tyger leader. Not that stuff is garbage. It pigtails like crazy and should be illegal to sell (kidding of course but you get what I mean). You can go with single strand like Malin but it bends and kinks which results in wasted time. I've caught as many as 30 or 40 Barracuda and King Mackerel before and never had to do a thing to my Terminator wire. Gotta love things that are easy. Oh and no, they don't pay me to say that (although I wish they did)

Jeff - AKA Dr. Fish
If it has fins and swims than I must chase it!