Hi Atomic_Dog

I've been working on this for several months. I have been fishing the baby brush hog for about 5 to 6 years. I recommended it to someone earlier this year that was going to Lake Erie to fish for small mouths and wanted to fish using flys instead of baitcasting or spinning gear. I recommended trying to duplicate the brush hog.

The Brush Hog is a spring salamander not a craw. I have fished the Zoom Brush Hog and the Zoom Craw side by side, both in watermelon and there is no comparison.

This past Saturday I had over 60 Large mouths between 2 and 5 Lbs. I went through two packs of Brush Hogs. I have worked on this pattern for a fly rod for some time now with a friend I met here on FAOL.

If someone ever does get it right----LOOK OUT.
This information is from just a Rookie.

For the record, this pattern will work 12 months, in lakes, streams, rivers, ponds, east to west coast, north to south.

I am sharing this information so others can have the fun I've had. Now I have no more secrets.

Steve (Rookie)

[This message has been edited by rookie (edited 15 May 2006).]