You could always try supergluing that brushhawg to a big hook and throwing it. Or some silly legs in the watermelon color with some watermelon Crawdad dubbing from Wapsi and more sililegs for the arms. They even make those twister tails for tying flies. Your gonna lose your sensativity with the flyrod though and lose a lot of fish that will pick it up and then spit it back out quickly. Hard to match a bait action wise like that on a fly rod. Try.....

Size 2-6 hook
8-10 silly legs on bend of hook, dubbing loop(theloop will give you a fuller body) watermelon green(wapsi crawdad dubbing) and then 4 silly legs on each side about half way up. That should be about as close as your going to get unless you order some flytying twistertails and then just tie them on the end instead of the 8 or 10 silly legs.

[This message has been edited by parrotheadcrb (edited 15 May 2006).]