I've been tying up "Lace moths". The wing is mallard breast feather. To make it "solid", you just coat the concave side with clear head cement. Once it dries, you snip out a section at the stem, shape the wing, and tie it in. I've not tried one yet as I'm tying them up for a club challange fly. Last time I was out, however, what plops on the water right beside me but one of the naturals! Looked just like the ones I had tied up, ... sitting back there, ... at home, ... in a box ..., no where near me.

(the pattern is size 14 dry fly hook, dubbed hare's fur body, wings a "reinforced" bronze mallard breast feather cut and shaped to be "moth shaped", and brown dry fly hackle).

- Jeff

[This message has been edited by JeffHamm (edited 04 April 2006).]