I tie many flies and as far as I know with the exception of one I tied for a recent swap all have been my version of an existing fly. But if I do change a fly by material or the way to tie it. I always put in the description that this is my version of that fly. I think many people do this. That are not claiming to be the inventor of a new fly but just trying to show it can be tied different and look different. I recently tied a fly that I named Spring Fly not because I think it is a new invention but because I could not find a fly it was real close to. I do not claim to have invented it.
I beleive this is how many flies come about. It would be real hard to find the origin of a lot of flies because they have been changed many times over the years. Just my 2 cents. John

I wish you all everlasting flies and tight lines.

[This message has been edited by bassman (edited 16 March 2006).]