tyflier, RW here,

Flank feather wings are just as traditional as quill segment wings. The Professor and the Grizzly King come to mind. They were created by two Professor brothers from the University of Edinburg in the 1830's and have stood the test of time for over 175 years (still sold in most fly fishing catalogs). The wings are made from mallard flank feathers, as are many other old wets. I don't think you've chosen the right word when you use the word "traditional". Flank feather wings are just as traditional and popular as quill wings, not only from a historical standpoint but even right up to the present. I am a wet fly fisherman first and foremost and I much prefer the flank feather wings over the quill slips. Those are not just opinions, those are facts.

Later, RW

"We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-