Hi John,

1. The jaws. There's a 'sweet spot' for any size hook. The smallest hooks (24-1 should be placed near the tips, but NEVER at the very tip. As hooks get larger in size they should be placed back into the jaws a little farther. (Size 16 hooks would be near the middle). Salt water hooks up to 5/0 should be placed at the very back of the jaws. Check out the serrations inside the jaw surfaces and you will get the idea.

2. The knurled screw on the bottom is a rotary lockout that will stop the collet from rotating freely, but you can rotate the jaws either in an up or down position. The jaws will automatically lock in either position. Simple move the the cam lever to do this. This screw should always be screwed all the way in. When you want to use the rotary feature, simply unscrew it until the jaws freely rotate.

3. The knurled screw on top of the vise is a rotary brake adjustmenet mechanism that will allow you to control the amount of tension when the vise is in free rotary.

4. There is a small allen screw immediately behind this screw on top of the vise....DON'T LOSE IT! It holds everythig together.

5. The shoulders of the cam lever should be kept absolutely clean as should the rear of the adjustment nut they contact. Both surfaces should be mirror smooth.

6. The adjustment nut should be used to adjust the amount of pressure put on the jaws when you close the cam lever to hold a hook.

7. Only enough pressure should be applied to prevent a hook from slipping up and down when tying with 6/0 thread...

DO NOT attempt to take it apart to see how it was made. You'll ruin it. We purposely did this to prevent tiny dust particles and other stuff from getting into it. Should that happen, it will sieze up and never work again.

Hope this helps.

A. K.