Hi all, I've been doing all kinds of dying, Kool-Aid, Rit, Veniards, and Dylon, VERY small quantities, i.e. just 10 or 12 hackles, or a few mallard feathers, and it's all VERY easy. Kool-Aid IS quite color-fast, though you'd never dream it. Alice Conba got me hooked on Dylon all purpose dyes, available in Canada. Just put a little water in the bottom of a saucepan, heat to a boil, sprinkle in the dye, turn down to a simmer, and throw in your stuff. Add salt about halfway through, works like a champ. Kool-Aid ONLY dyes animal products, wool, hackle, fur, etc. It WILL NOT dye acrylics or various fake furs. The other dyes will I believe. I dye mainly hackle, feathers, and wool yarn. All the dyes are easy to use, just don't think for a second you have to do a whole neck. Small quantities mean better control, and least for me. I'm sure I waste dye, but I love having the power to do what I want color-wise.