Thanks, Jack. Now I'm not wondering anymore. Hey, if it works, who cares what it looks like. Sometimes the ugliest, oldest, and tattered flies work best. Looks like a winner to me .

After catching that 11-1/2" rascal, I'm not laughing at the fly that got it. Just smiling . Don't have to wear my UV glasses (that's ugly vision, not ultra violet) to look at it. Fly doesn't look too bad after being eaten. You should see some of mine after about 20 or 30 fish and I tie them to be as durable as I can. Eyes missing, legs missing, chewed up, and pieces hanging off. They will still catch fish.

Robert B. McCorquodale
Sebring, FL

"Flip a fly"

[This message has been edited by dixieangler (edited 05 May 2005).]