Before there was a fly tying industry, anglers would take some feathers from the bird that was now cooking in the pot, with some thread that they pinched from their wife's sewing basket, to tie flies.

Thread is thread is thread! Saying that, there is also the required statement that says, not all thread is created equal. Some are better than others for various situations. Thread is the 2nd most important material for creating a fly, only preceded in importance, by the Hook.

Here is my Thesis, that I wrote in "Tying Tips" about Thread. Just about all the information, you will ever need to know about thread, is there....


~ Parnelli

"Down in the bottom of the Itty Bitty Pool.
Swam Three Little Fishies, and a Mommy Fishy too.
"Swim", said the Mommy Fishy, Swim if you can.
And they, swam swam, all over the Dam!"

[This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 20 April 2005).]