
I got a chance to see and play with this at this past Novembers fly tying Symposium. I will say I was given the chance to try a demo out since I would not part with the money for this tool unless I felt comfertable with it. I went back to the guild table and played with it for a few moments in time and felt the tool was no value added and increased my tying steps and time. I also felt that I would go home with this and eventually set it on the side and never use it again. I'm kind of funny when it comes to tools placed on my tying desk. I only have tools out that I use all the time. Now I also have some tools like Wing burners that I use every now and then that gets placed in the tool drawer. This drawer of tools is never forgotten and the tools in the drawers gets used evey now and then. There is not one tool in that drawer that does not get used. I go through my drawers once a year and spring clean and get rid of things that I know I have not used and will never use. I guess due to starting be a maturing fly tyer I do not buy things any more that I know I will never use or will put them away. I seen the magic tool and felt here is another gizmo that will sit in a drawer waiting for that spring cleaning. Gosh, I tied all these years and never had a need for a tool like this. If I felt it would oo helped my fly tying or was the item that aided my tying than I would have dropped the money. But honestly, why drop the money on something that I can do today by hand without this tool. Just think for the price of this tool I could have bought a nice pair of Scissors, or a ton of hooks or my first desire a whole bunch of Duck & Goose quills or a nice couple of pairs of Brown Motled Oak Turkey and so on. I guess this tool in question is more like can it help others that are all thumbs or lack of skills and techniques in aiding to tie a fly. I just could'nt see a reason for ME to buy this. Maybe I am wrong here and after playing with it did not see the benefits that it provided to me. I did return the demo tool and said thank you and told the gentleman I have to think about it. My two cents worth.

Andy B