
I'm really sorry to hear that.
So what I look for is knowledge of the water, fish and what kind of gear he uses and most of all be professional.
Speaking of gear the Guide uses (and I use a capital "G" as I'm speaking of the real thing, ... the guys and gals who'll bust their butt all day every day to see to it that the clients get every chance possible to have a pleasant day)

Another item to keep clean up front, ... Will the Guide fish, expect to fish or be expected to fish.

When I guide for Salmo salar, you can't realistically fish beside a client. For many lies, you have to be where the fly is, not on the client's shoulder. For trout, that's another story. If a client NEEDS lessons, well I might have to take a rod in hand.

Problem is, on my homewaters, if we don't pay the rod fee for the day, I won't event touch a rod. Makes life less complicated for the Game Wardens. Then again, I'm not into asking the client to pay an extra 50$ just so's I can show off for 10 minutes. (many of my clients are more accomplished casters/ff's than me).

Christopher Chin
Jonquiere Quebec

[This message has been edited by fcch (edited 08 March 2005).]