
So nice to see a guide asking the question. There was a good (and comical) thread on the same idea last year at Dennis' ... e-mail me and I can find the link).

I haven't been doing this for long, so some of the "old guys" can jump right in (or on me) if I'm off the mark here.

A client can be looking for anything under the sun. Communication is the key to know if your service can provide what this particular client wants.

Some clients want to catch a fish, others want to fish on a beautiful river. Still others want to catch LOTS of fish. Some want to explore a famous river. A few want to catch lots of trophy fish on a beautiful and famous river.

I had a lighthearted (attempt) at a poll on [url=][/url:bae88]
Funny thing, the questions are similar to those I'll ask a potentiel client when booking ...

Wade or float?
Do they want help/information or not (casting, technics, history, culture ...)?
Can they realistically express their casting and fishing capablities.?
(I have on a few occassions asked for references)

Clients ...
Ask for references.
What is cancellation policy?
Can the guide service provide a realistic evaluation of river conditions and fishing reports? (as say Ann can in Gasp? for Atlantics)
Is your guide competent ,... sure everyone starts somewhere, but do you want to be this guides FIRST solo client on the dream trip of your life ?

A few question and some open and honest communcation goes a very long way to ensure that both the client AND the guide organise, plan and HAVE a pleasant day on the water.

Christopher Chin
Jonquiere Quebec