Peter: As you know I am a salmon and steelhead guide. And I'm betting you know my response :

It depends on time of year and water conditions as well as where you are on the river (goes to the amount of time the fish have been in the system). Typically, fresh fish will respond to larger, colorfull and flashy patterns while darker fish get more adjusted to stream diets and wary of the angler's arsenal. Water conditions work the same here as with resident trout (high and or cloudy requires larger flies), but steelhead are notorious sight feeders. When visibility drops to under 1-foot (sometimes 2-feet or less) forget fishing.

Add to the above personal preference and you can see where this is going.

Folks who catch lots of steelhead on WBers use WBers alot. I catch lost of steelhead on Sucker Spawn...proportional to how often I use it.

That said, I do not belong to the WB fan club.