
Jann's Netcraft sells the 3366 Mustad hook, as well as the 3407. They aren't in the fly fishing section, but with the regular hooks.

Circles will work fine for Clousers. You just have to remember not to set the hook...can be hard.

By the way, regular TDE streamer hooks will work fine for your Clousers. Since the fly rides hook point up, you get a TUE with the lure, and that can be a help if you are fishing it slowly or on the fall. I can't see any bad effects on more agressive retrieves.

WalMart sells the Eagle Claw 'plain shank' hooks. These have an offset that can be easily straightened, and they will work fine for Clousers as well.

The Clouser is more of a 'style' or 'method', rather than set 'pattern'. You can tie on a wide variety of hooks, and the best place to start is with what you HAVE.

Good Luck!


p.s; ALWAYS use a loop knot when fishing a Clouser....

Tie flies beyond the resistance of mortal trout!