I just built a 5 piece matrix in a 7 1/2' 4 wt for a friend that wanted a rod he could pack with. The action is good and it is a nice looking blank with an emerald color. I havent weight it yet but just guessing, in the 2.5 ounce range. I did notice a little sloppiness in the ferrule fittings between the butt and the second section but that was easily remedied with a little light sanding and re-epoxying of the tip of the butt section. I was surprised with the final action of the rod as it casts great and I didn't notice the usual stiffness of most 5 piece blanks compared to like a 2 piece blank. I chose this one over others just to see if the Matrix was a viable choice when others were not availabe and I would build them again.

To JC's post and comments, it is always nice to stay with someone that you know and trust, and the folks at Batson Enterprises are just that. A family business like what the Batsons have built will always be there for you when you need them. Take a good long look at the line of forecast components that they have, I like their skeleton reel seats and use them when I can get them.

[This message has been edited by dleo6446 (edited 24 February 2006).]