No planing form is required. I made all of mine on the dining room table, I told my wife it was too cold out in the shop. For tapers I used a linear taper starting between .06-.08 for a tip depending on the size and advanced the taper between .012 and .016 per 5 inches depending on how fast I wanted the rod to be. I loaded all that data into RodDNA and started tweeking it a bit, putting 'hinges" at 10-15" inches from the tip and around midway. It helps to look at stress curves from rods you enjoy casting and trying to tweek the linear taper from there. Ofcourse another option would be just to make a rod with the same taper as an existing hex or standard quad taper, a 2 strip quad will be a little heavier line wt than the original. I got most of my info from the following and just messing around with rods. Don't be disappointed if you first attempt "doesn't work" just take notes and measurement of where it went right and where it failed. Links:
[url=][/url:ec4c1] [url=][/url:ec4c1]

I thought about documenting and photographing the next time I make another rod and submit it to FAOL for the "with bamboo" section, but it will be about a month before I could do this and write a proper article.
