I was given am 1942 SouthBend 291 4 pc 6 wt bamboo...My ol' Army buddy, "Dleo6446" restored it & it is BEAUTIFUL! I will keep that rod until I croak & then my son Ben will get it. Leo & I were together at Ft Benning, Georgia in Spring of 1966 & he put the following on the rod...."Mike Flanagan A-4-1"...That, of course, is my name & A-4-1 was our unit. That may diminish "resale" value, but it made the rod "priceless" to me.
BTW...Leo & I "found" each other again right here on FAOL & haven't seen each other in almost 40 years...if you want to see one "HELL" of a re-union, come to the Michigan Fish-In in August of this year....Leo & I (AND the 'boo) WILL be there!
Sorry for the long post, but I hope you can all understand. This is about a very special bond.

This site's about sharing!