Thanks Jim
That was my first ever transaction on ebay. It was a hoot. When I got to the site there were 4 left. I proceeded to fill out the PayPal thingy but kept clicking the wrong box or something. Anyway after I thought I had that solved I had to establish an account on ebay but it wouldn't let me back in. Now there were three left. After finally convincing ebay I was who I said I was (closing up, reentering, have them e-mail me another password, etc.) there were two left. I began to panic and thought I had ordered one but couldn't push the right buttons to see if I did what I thought I had done. Now there was one left. True panic set in (wife is wondering what the commotion in the puter room is - another story) so what does one do, call the son who lives on ebay. He checks the status and tells me that, yes, one of them has been purchased by me and they are awaiting payment. Hooray. I am a winner(e-bay's term for those who bought the item.) I celebrate by collapsing in chair. I think I will buy something on ebay next year; I'm sure that kind of excitement is necessary for one's system every so often.