
i replied to this before i went fishing this morning, but as usual my computor skills are lacking. sorry for the delay. the pattern is as follows

hook: lightning strike jf2
bead: copper, slotted tungsten
thread: uni- thread, camel under wire, fire orange collor
tail: natural pheasant tail.( started using brahma hen , march brown lately seems to hold up better.
abdomen: uni wire, 2 strands copper brown, 1 starnd copper, wrap all three wires at one time, use br wire for size 12 & 14 and small for 16 & 18
thorax: arizona synthetic dubbing , peacock
hackle: whitting brahma hen saddle, march brown, loop dubbed.

i tie the fly on with a loop knot to let the jig style hook do its thing.

fish it as a nymph or as a soft hackle

i came up with this pattern 5 or 6 years ago, and won best nymph and wet fly at the 2019 sowbug round up it has served me well, and hope it does the same for you. any questions give me a yell
