This board for the most part never did have the best sense of humor, thats fine as it did have
fine folks that loved the hobby of fly fishing and sharing with others.

Conversations for the most part were civil and respectful.

To name names in any bad light on a public form is not right.. IMO
in no way do I read anything derogatory in this thread.

I do enjoy hearing from folks like REE and what he is up too..
same for the other posters lady and gents herewith..

Mr. REE you shared with me an ant pattern years ago , still use it till this day
simple enough by todays standards , but back then it was a learning experience for me.
that you passed on ,, that is what I am talking about !

and Marco , I do still regret not stopping for you at that ditch up in Jackson..
and Dear Betty hope your Granddaughter is well , and thank your Son for his law enforcement services.
wheres Ed to put a smile on your face when we need him ?