Sweet! Nice job & nice fish!! And I see you went with a Pfluger Medalist reel. I like their option of adding weight in the reel. I got to test mine out over the Holiday weekend and love it. One of the drag/clicker cams expolded while I tried to adjust it!? Didn't seem to bother anything though.
How do you like assembling single foot guides? I'm worried that my fingers won't be up to the task!
I also have a 3 wgt. and may just try the reel on the 2 wgt.
I also see you were fishing from a boat and I've been led to believe that you need long rods for that! Hmmmmm, another myth shot down!!

I feel more like I do now than I did when I got here!

Cactus AKA "Lucky Dog (Pirate Name)"