The idea of a "membership fee" has been suggested before and scrapped due to the majority ( those who posted) opinion that it would be counterproductive. Being a member since 04, I don't recall a "had to pay" membership fee. There were several voluntary options, one was the FAOL hat program suggested and "operated" by Betty. I bought FIVE. There was/is also a "Friends of FAOL" option that foe a $25 contribution one would get a FAOL sew-on patch and name posted on a main page list. There was also a "pass the hat" (literally) drive where ONE hat was passed (mailed) around to members who would autograph the hat and send it on including some sort of gift. The intent was to subsequently AUCTION the resultant package , hat and "stuff" to the highest bidder. I don'r recall the exact high bid but I'm thinking about $4000. These/such drives could be re-initiated . It seems though that the easiest/NOW route would be the VOLUNTARY donation to the "Friends of FAOL" list providing that the administration still had or could get the FAOL sew-on patches as a premium for the donation.
Defense rests.
