... I was fishing a 9' for 4 wt GLoomis Streamdance when I landed the two steelhead mentioned in the opening post, same reel, line, leader and similar tippet material.

I guess I have an "attitude" about fly reels with drag. I do have a couple, but it is extremely rare that I let a fish get on the reel, and then the drag is pretty much set to "break off" if some fish thinks he can beat the tippet ( and knot ) strength. I did get line burn several times Monday when the big B run fishy took off on a strong run, but other than that, palming the reel, holding him tight, and stripping in and managing line by hand, for the most part, worked just fine. I did take up line on the reel several times, but to get loose line out of the way, not to hold or play the fish.

Now, back to the flies, if I can get the system to post a pic of the original chenile version and the new slimmed down vernille version.

For whatever reason, the system will not download the pic. I'll try again later.

Not sure I like new version - a bit too slim in the forward body, although I do like the transition from the FEB. And I don't know if the new version will be as durable as the original. Only time will tell, and as little nymph fishing as I do, it could be a while before a fly gets through a valid durability test. Although there is one small river I've been thinking about fishing which I always nymph fish.
