There are lots of rod makers that are good to get blanks from. Like many, I have bought some from rod makers that use E-Bay and have been especially impressed with the work of Mark Fitch (fitchM57). I have built 4 or 5 of his blanks and his work is excellent. I have purchased blanks from Tim Zietak on E-Bay as well and once again the work was excellent. Tim is highly thought of in the bamboo community and is especially competent in building quads. A.J. Thramer, Hal Bacon, Gary Williams, there are a lot of excellent makers that will do a great job for you in pricing that ranges from $200 up to $500 for a full set of blanks. I just built a Tim Zietak "Leonard 39H" 2/2 7 1/2' 4 wt and Tim charged me $275 for the ferruled blanks and I have to tell you that is an outstanding price. I am currently building a Mark Fitch 7 1/2' Dickerson copy 6 wt. and the blanks are second to none.

A lot depends on the taper you seek and the action that you would like. If you need contact information for any of these quality rodmakers, I can provide that.