On a rod that size you might want to ask Bob
if he'll send single foot guides with the kit. They seem to look better and work just as well on that size rod. Also only half the # of wraps for your first effort. I've built on both and they're both good, I tend to like the IM6 a little better but if you blindfolded me I probably could not tell the difference. Try either with a 3 wt line in addition to the 2 wt, the 3 tends to flex the rod more to what I like than a 2.
Check the rod tutorials here and elswhere , also Art Scheck (sp?) has a very good book with practical tips. Read all the info before you put anything together and dry fit EVEERYTHINg before gluing. Oh - burgundy thread look very nice on the matte blank.
Be patient and Good luck.

[This message has been edited by kbobb (edited 13 April 2005).]