Tks Jesse and Sagefisher. I do appreciate the information. I am now wondering what material to furl a leader with....that will throw those big spun deer hair frog imitations and such. Uh....probably a shorter leader as well. I thought one should have a 9' leader for surface fishing for bass. I just cannot imagine what "thread" to furl a leader with for surface bass fishing. I was thinking type A rod wrapping thread....but all I have is a gold and a bright blue. Not either of those for sure. But I could order some thread.....just wondering....I think fly tying 6/0 thread may not do the trick. And Uncle Jesse I am no longer on the rim. I am now a permaniac Maniac in the state of Maine. And thus a ton of waters to fish and a lot.....really a lot of bass waters. I just have never set up for bass. My friend Bugman sent me a couple of leaders....but furled out of big mono. I just don't like mono for leaders. I can take a 6/0 fly tying thread trout leader and sort of coil it up like a store bought mono leader looks. Like in a round fashion. Then just hook the middle of it in a paper clip and pull it through a 1' piece of tubing. I can carry half a dozen of these in my shirt pocket! NOT like mono in big coils. Anwhoooo.....I really appreciate the comments....and thus the information imparted to me. gotta live this site