25 years ago I could tell the difference between the best Sage, Winston, etc and a generic entry level rod.. In the last 18 months I have shopped for 2 separate 4 or 5 wt rods and 3 other 8 wts. I cast dozens of 8 wts, including Sage, Scott, Winston, TFO and others. There are some obvious differences in price levels based on hardware, cosmetics, and handles; but all are functional. And for me, some of the less expensive rods (TFO especially) cast really well and had excellent guarantees. I even found a two piece 8 wt at Bass Pro for $40 (sale) that is now my favorite rod if I don't have to travel with a short tube. Both Redington and TFO have honored their excellent guarantees. While some of the cheaper rods are clubs, there are some that are great feel and castability; just need to shop enough. Question; does anyone have a comment on Piscafun reels? I wonder about smoothness and durability.