I clean and treat my fly lines every night before I go fishing. I know they say that the lines shouldn't be damaged by many cleaners but I do not trust that. I simply fill a sink full of all hot tap water and strip off a lot of line into the water. I then take face cloth (especially floating line) and place it over the fly line to sink I enough to be fully submerged in the very hot tap water. I let it soak for at least 15 minutes then wring out the face cloth and run the fly line through my closed fist so the cloth cleans the line. After doing that about 3 times, the cloth shows no dirt marks when I run the line thru the cloth. I then hang it in large loops and let it dry. After that I treat it with some Loon Line Speed (only on the floating line) and leave it hanging over night. In the morning I buff the line down with a dry towel and I am ready for the day. I refill the sink with hot tap water for each line I am cleaning.

But, speaking of the Magic Eraser, it is a great item to use to clean the cork on your grips. Makes them look almost brand new.

Larry ---sagefisher---