Onaccounta we make ALL that is possible of our annual pilgrimage to Wyoming, we drive. My first wet line is near Sheridan and the Tongue ( mostly skunked there for about 3 hours ) and then it's on to Cody and the North Fork Shoshone at the delta into the Buffalo Bill Reservoir ( 3 + hours) usually with satisfactory results . So far my wife is patient reading her Kindle and/but anxious to move on to Jackson but............. I still have plans.
WE usually lodge in Cody, doing Irma's for breakfast and Wyoming Steak House for "lunch". Then it's on to YNP and the Lamar River ( had my first underwear changing experience there with nothing but my stupidity to protect me, NO MORE. The Lamar needs more time than I am able ( wife , Kindle) to give it. A challenging fishery slightly over my head in terms of my experience. Then it's on to the Lewis River between the lake and the falls. ALWAYS productive and worth the " are we EVER getting to Jackson, I'm hungry" . All the above mentioned stops are within walking distance of our car. NOT my bag at all. It's just a matter of I HAVE TO STOP and fish. If I were a long distance truck driver delivering ice cream, there would be problem. I rubberneck EVERY bridge stream crossing and MUST STOP to check it out.
And now, since you asked, Jackson is our base. My wife is happy and I'm off with my buds ( from Ontario, Toledo, Carmel, Naples) . Our first stop is Flat Creek just outside Jackson in the National Elk Refuge. A technical challenge waayyyy above my ability but I have fooled at least two or three 25"+ cutts in the last 15 years. The dude from Toledo, a maritime law attorney apparently has the recipe down pat and keeps yankin em in whilst we watch. OUR favorite fishery is the Snake River between Jackson Lake and Flagg Ranch. Access is a challenge but worth every near heart attack. We also fish the Salt, Greys, Gros Ventre, Green, Hoback and a few others unnamed tribs that happen to cross our paths.
On our way home,the "Southern I 80 route" it's a mandatory stop in Laramie where I stock up on my COWBOYS stuff and fish the area where I first got the bug, Wyo 130 where it crosses the Little Laramie River on way to Centennial . That was 52 years ago. My first trout on a fly was a Brown that looked like an artist painted it for my benefit. The rest is history.
Thanks for asking.
