There are endless number of lodges in AK, and they vary from the cheaper outfits on the Kenai to the expensive fly-ins that dot the state. More you have to fly and the posher the lodge, the more expensive it will be. You also have to decide what you want to target (i.e. rainbow, salmon, grayling, pike, etc.). Might as well set a price range and shop accordingly. Many lodges often show up at the sportmen's shows in the winter, which is a good time to shop. If you are more risk adverse and wish to go to an established lodge and do not mind paying a premium for the peace of mind, then I would suggest talking with your local fly shops to see if there are any sponsored trips next year, or I would contact one of the big travel companies like the Redding Fly Shop ( or Fly Water Travel ( to see what they can do. Both have established relationships with long-standing operations which removes some of the guess work. Both are located in the west, and there are undoubtedly similar operations in your neck of the woods, these just happen to be the ones I know.

Hopefully Hap will chime in on this thread. He knows more about fishing in AK than most and would undoubtedly have much to add.
