Sorry about that. This is sort of one of those made-up patterns.

Hook: Size 6 2XL hook
Thread: You can use any size or color of thread that works for you. I like to use very thin monofilament thread as it tends to disappear when I add head cement.
Tail: Small clump of appropriate color fur. This is fox fur, but you can use whatever you have available
Underbody: Thin sheet foam found on electronics equipment. I cut it into 1/4 wide strips, tie it in at the eye of the hook, then wrap it back to the tail and back up to the eye and tie it off. Don't wrap too tightly as you'll squeeze out the air.
Outer Body: Plastic canvas yarn found at Michaels or Hobby Lobby. I use white because I color the way I want it to look with markers. I make these and color them with permanent markers depending on the look I'm going for.
Eyes: 3D stick-on eyes. I use Marine Good to stick these on as it seems to work the best for me.
Protective Coating: I've coated this one with five-minute Epoxy. This protects the canvas yarn from snagging on fish teeth.

Steps: Tie in the tail material, then tie in the white plastic canvas yarn at the base of the tail. Wrap the thread to the eye of the hook and tie in the thin sheet closed cell foam wrapping material. Wrap the foam sheet down to the tail and back to the eye of the hook, tapering it a bit at the tail and the head of the pattern. Tie off the foam and clip the excess. Wrap the plastic canvas yarn to the eye of the hook being careful to keep a smooth non-overlapping pattern. Tie it off at the eye and add a couple of half-hitches or whip finish. Color with a marker however you want, glue on the eyes and give it a thin coat of epoxy. If you add too much epoxy, the fly will loose buoyancy, but that is actually not a problem. I vary the amount of epoxy depending if I want the pattern to float, have neutral buoyancy or sink. I use all three depending on the fishing conditions and what I'm fishing for. These "flies" are virtually indestructible and usually last until you lose it in a submerged branch or on a fish. I simply use fast six in strips with 2-3 second pauses between strips. Great fly for big gills, bass and crappie.

Jim Smith