... how the local predator can put down the trout.

Or so it seems comparing yesterday's experience with today's experience.

Yesterday, the osprey was very active on a run that usually fishes quite well at the current streamflows. I couldn't catch or even raise a trout on that stretch over the hour or so that I fished it. After giving up on that stretch, I moved downstream a little way and tried a spot that hardly ever produces before run off is over. That spot gave up about fifteen fish in not much more than half an hour.

Today, with very little change in the streamflows, I started in yesterday's hot spot, and got just one fish. Then I moved upstream to the run where the osprey had down so well yesteray, and the fishing was just insane. Hooked a couple dozen fish in a little over an hour and landed most of them. And had a number of misses and follows.

The only apparent difference was the osprey stirring things up yesterday, and no osprey around today.
