Twenty + years ago, I traveled some 1400 miles to visit an old co-worker who had retired - he had a place on a secluded river that was great trout fishing. To get there (all I had was an extra long 4-day weekend) required my flying - changing major airlines, then to third smaller commuter. I always carry a handbag (learned by harsh experience) that I can carry on board with me and has all the essentials; and I checked the larger bag with my 4-piece rod in a stout rod case inside, along with the reel and all the other fly fishing bric-a-brac. And what would you expect, the checked bag was not along with me when I got there! Lord only knows where it might have went.
What to do? The next morning (call to the airport reveals no bag), so off to buy some temporary equipment. I ended up with a Pflueger IM-6 rod, a Martin MT-56 reel, the lowest priced Cortland line and I know it all cost less then a hundred bucks. Most importantly, I was amazed at what a great combination it turned out to be! Caught lots of trout, ended up shipping the gear home. Still have the rig in my fly rod arsenal and still use it from time to time, albeit I upgraded the line sometime back to a Cortland 444 "Peach" ~ which made it cast even better! If push came to shove, and this combination was all I was to ever have from this point on, I could live with it. Let me say, too, about the MT-56 Martin reel - I was (and still am) so pleased it was made in the USA (sad to say the rod was made in China). Also, I have a reel that cost me at least seven times as much as the Martin. True, it has a smoother action to it, a disc brake, looks and was machined better for sure, but as the old teaching I came out of - (I'm old school stripper!) - The reels simply store the line! My emphasis is mostly on the rod and line action.