Aha!! Now I know why I had such a bad day over on the North Fork of the Coeur d'Alene River Yesterday!! Beat it to a froth and only 3 refusals! Talked to the guys in one of the fly shops today and found out it was like that all over. Big weather change and wind shift, they started biting about an hour before dark. Did get to show some friends good place's to have breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as some awesome scenery Good food and beautiful scenery, 2 out of 3 isn't too bad!
Kaboom1 is due this coming Wed. and after chasing some Cut's here we will be headed down to the St. Joe for a week. It's 120 mile drive one way so we be staying at the Big Eddy saloon, motel and campground right on the St. Joe.
You can't do much better than a room over a bar!