First....Happy Birthday, Ray!

Flies get lost to snags or destroyed by fish. Giving some away to anglers who would actually use them wouldn't necessarily discourage them from tying their own as they needed replacements or wanted to try other patterns. That seems like a good use for your flies.

And not all fly anglers have the time or desire to tie their own. To many of us it seems the flyfishing and fly-tying go hand-in-hand, but not everyone sees it that way. Some folks simply buy what they need, or have fly-tying friends tie for them.

There are Casting For Recovery (injured U.S. vets) groups across the U.S. that I'm sure would appreciate your flies. There's one here that has been meeting every Tuesday evening at a local pond.

Another suggestion is local boyscout groups...maybe they could use some of your flies as "go-bys" when they are working towards their fly-tying badges?

I think its great you are looking to thin your stocks and wanting help others in the process.