
Not a banded darter. Googled one up to look.


Not a red bellied dace either.

The scarlett color started right at the gill plate and down the middle of the body ending just before the tail. It was about as wide as the gill plate, then narrows to a point as it gets almost to the tail. If it is a trout haven't seen one marked like it.

Googled a search for dace and came across a couple of photos of a Redside Dace. But, the fish I caught didn't have a "broad, dark band along the lateral line" as described. Also said that "breeding males have a red band from the gills to the base of the dorsal fin." But, this fish had the red band past the dorsal fin and almost to the tail.

[This message has been edited by Grn Mt Man (edited 07 July 2006).]

[This message has been edited by Grn Mt Man (edited 07 July 2006).]