The question was, why bother!

It took me awhile to think this one through, and here is my thoughts, on why each one of us "should bother"!

Power of the government, comes from the people who elect, those who will serve representing them.

It is still a government
Of the People...
By the People...
For the People...

Our Pledge of Allegence does say...

"I pledge allengence to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One Nation, under God, Individisable with Liberty and Justice for all.

It does not say....
I pledge allengence to the flag of the Corporated State of America, and to the Mandated Political Power and Special Interest Groups for which it stands, one nation deep in Debt, with Liberty and Justice for Some, but not for Others.

That is why we should bother, and really care what is being done in Our Name!


Woody Guthrie said it best..."This Land is Your Land, this Land in My Land.....this Land was made for You and Me!

[This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 27 January 2005).]