Quote Originally Posted by NJTroutbum View Post
.... I ordered a 12' 40T SK Tenkara rod for my 11yr old.
I don't have any rigging suggestions. But I thought you might find this video interesting. The video is from Japan. The title translates something like That First Parent-Child Tenkara Experience.

It looks like the typical fishing pay pond scene with my son when he was little. Only when he was the age of the children in the video I had not yet heard of Tenkara. Oh, and we didn't have Dr. Ishigaki on hand to help out with the instruction. At least I think Dr Ishigaki is the guy dressed in white. I am partly identifying him from his laugh and his voice.

Anyway, it might give you some insight to the challenges you might encounter teaching an 11 year old. Unless you've already faced that experience.

One big difference I noticed in the video is they start the kids out with long lines. Lines longer than the rod. Which I found kind of surprising. Here most adults start out with a line about the same length of the rod or just a little shorter or only a little longer. I guess just a different attitude about how to teach tenkara.

親子テンカラ体験その壱 - time = 9:27
