I don't have any grips about fishing. To each his own.
However, one thing does stand out on this thread: the use of the word technical when talking about fishing. If you are in the rod, line, reel, etc., design field, then your job is certainly technical. However, you may not even be a fisherman.
Distance casting competitors will most definitely get involved in the technology of rods and lines at least in order to be tops in their competition.
However, in my many years of fishing, 5 as host and producer of as television fishing show, I never did see anything that could be called technical. Of course we have to learn about the fish, their habits and habitats, where and when our chances of a good catch would be best and lots of other non-technical stuff.
I think those who refer to fishing as being a technology are simply trying to put more importance on what they do to look better to the non-technical fishers. It's fishing, for crying out loud. Get over yourselves.
We may do most of our fishing with flies but don't forget, the 12 year old with a stick and a worm can catch as many, sometimes more, fish that we do.

P.S. How do you do spell check on these boards, anyway? Without getting too technical, of course. LOL
