A couple of weeks ago I tried a new to me dry pattern, the Original Bubble Sedge, and after getting lazy drying the fly started to fish it wet. After about 8 or 9 gills the CDC was shredded to the point of not being there. The fish attacked it more then when it was a dry fly. By the time a I lost the fly to a tree, a total of 31 gills were landed and the last 23 or so were with just the fox squirrel wrapped hook of the original pattern. It did not seem, at least on that excursion, that the fish cared if there was a top or bottom to the fly. It started as a dry and ended up a scrawny nymph.

I have tied and fished nymphs both on the round, out of laziness or speed, and with wing cases and they both seem to work equally well for me.

Just my two cents.