I have my Dad's old Shakespare Wonder Rod. Best I can remember he bought it new around 1950. Dad passed on in 1999 and has been in my collection since; and one thing he did for sure was take care of his gear - the rod was in pristine condition. No markings on the rod base other then the name decal, but Dad always used a 5wt DT line. The original length called it an 8' rod but do believe it was a tad shorter then eight, more like 7'10" - of course, one of the first things I did with the rod (love the way it casts) was walk into a tree with it (that took care of the very tip and so now it's about 7' 8" +). Now, I know how to walk with a fly rod, but do you think I'll ever learn ...? Show me a river that has only one tree on the bank in the middle of 500 yards and I'll end up with some flies in the top of it. Like wise, hardly any trees around yet I'll manage to walk into one with the fly rod tip!