I am assuming that the angler is standing downstream. From the picture It looks like the water to the left is just covering a sandbar and it looks too shallow to hold good fish. I think it is mainly a temptation to fish water unlikely to produce results other than spooking the fish in the deeper water to the right. Looking upstream from the angler, just upstream of the shady patch on the water, just above the first dark clump of grass on the right bank, just downstream of the bend of the stream, is where I would likely start. My nymphing skills are minimal so I would probably try a dry and a dropper with the dry being a terrestrial such a hopper, bee/wasp, or an ant. The dropper would probably be something small, brown, and fuzzy (at least fuzzy about the thorax). I would work up the right side of the stream. I can't help but wonder if the best part of the hole is just upstream, around the bend and mostly out of sight. All my verbiage doesn't mean that I wouldn't likely spook every fish for 30 yards.
