Mantis- SHUT UP! I didn't ask you to come in here and be a total A&^. MAYBE IF I PUT IT IN CAPITAL LETTERS YOU WILL GET THE POINT. I ASKED IF ANYONE HAS OLD STUFF LAYING AROUND MY LITTLE BROTHER COULD BUY. I actually thought people on here would understand the post for the post, not to try and get free stuff, if he wanted free stuff he would go to the Goodwill. If you don't know what that is it is a charity for the less fortunate. There, DO YOU UNDERSTAND????????

He needs to buy flies, line, tippet material, maybe a new rod (I would have to ask him tomorrow), and fly boxes. Thats about it. If I think of anything else I'll let you know. He only has about $50-$60.

Thanks to everyone who is trying to help,

[This message has been edited by fish4life (edited 15 June 2006).]