If the Cabela's Wind River 9' 5wt you own casts anything like the one I have cast, all I can say is I'm extremely pleased that you're still interested in fly fishing. I'm not saying this to make fun of your gear, but the one I cast was the best example of a "buggy whip" I have ever cast.

I wouldn't suggest doing this permanently, but try borrowing a reel loaded with a three or even four weight line from somebody and cast the rod with that on it. This should help you get the feel for how that rod wants to flex. (try the three first) Then switch back to your two after that once you are used to the rythym that rod likes. I am suggesting this because I expect the TFO rod to have a much faster action than the Cabela's rod did.

Its also entirely possible that the Wind River you are used to casts totally differently than the one I cast, and my advice isn't accurate at all.