Yes many are, but they are top dropper flies. Designed to sit in and around the surface. Some of my top dropper flies are extremely over hackled. A typical Soldier palmer will have 6 turns on the body and a couple at the head. Mine often have 20 turns on the body. Here are some comparisons. First a traditional Blue Zulu,
Blue Zulu Spring.jpg
Then one as I tie them as a wake fly.
Blue Zulu - Copy.jpg
The same comparison with the Soldier Palmer. Traditional first.
Cardinal Spring.jpgCardinal.jpg
The traditionals still have a place in my box but tend to be used beginning and end of the season.
There are times when these will bring the fish to your flies, but will not catch. The fish will take the point or middle fly. But if you take the top fly off you will not catch at all. You want a fly that moves a lot of water when pulled. Here is an example with a Clan Chief.
This action sends out a signal to the fish. The reaction is often violent!.

That is why there are so many bushy flies used in traditional loch style fishing.
