
For about the last 9 months of last year my casting shoulder and arm was giving me some pain when using a fly rod, weedeater, etc. and I kept thinking it would get better, but, that never happened. So, I decided this past January to get it checked out and the surgeon thought, from viewing the MRI, that all I had was a bone spur which needed ground out. After he got in the shoulder and got the bone spur ground out, he discovered I had a small tear in my rotator cuff tendon and he installed an anchor in the bone and put a stitch in the tear and pulled it down to the bone where it belonged. The surgery was completed on Jan. 31st. and I was in a sling until March 17th. and going to therapy 3 times per week. Needless to say, I was not allowed to use my fly rod and not allowed to tie any flies and I was going crazy, but, I knew if I wanted to ever fly fish and tie flies again, I needed to listen to my therapist and do what they requested. I am now allowed to tie flies and fly fish as long as I do not put any strain on my shoulder. I mostly just sidearm cast and roll cast and that is better than no casting. I am on the mend and will be back 100% very shortly.

We were fishing a section on the Duck River which is the tailwaters below Normandy Dam. Since it was on the weekend, we had to contend with a lot of kayakers but did manage.