With the right glasses I don't think you'll need magnification. Reading glasses are not normally the right glasses! Put your readers on and hold a book where you can see it best. Is that the same distance that you tie at? If not then there is a problem. I find tying distance can be up to 50% different to tying distance. The simple solution is to go to an optician that offers 2 for 1 deal for your next set of readers. Measure the distance from the bridge of your nose to the vice jaws, get the optician to set the focus of the glasses at that distance. This is a simple adjustment if it is done when the lenses are ground to shape.

I've worn glasses for normal vision for well over 30 years. Only in the last few have I needed them for close work. Before I simply took my distance glasses off. I was starting to struggle with 16 and 18s. Now I'm back to tying as small as I like with just the right glasses.

These are on hooks labelled size 24, however the same hooks in size 18 have a similar gap to Partridge Vincent Mariarno size 24. They are small.
Micro Dries_0001.jpg

The problem I have with magnification is that it makes everything bigger. You go from winding fine thread on a small hook to winding rope on an anchor. I need clarity not magnification. However, I do know that some people find magnification helpful, one is my friend Barry Ord-Clark. Here is what he uses. His come from the UK but with the correct name for them you may be able to find a local supplier to you. If you look at the standard of his tying you'll see it is a great recommendation for these.
