Bring Layers, light, medium, and polar wieght long john tops and bottoms in any man made fiber you like. Fleece pants that will fit under your waders are a nice option to have. Light wool shirt, vest, wind proof fleece jacket, wool or fleece hat, fleece neck gaiter, rain coat with a hood, fingerless neoprene gloves or fingerless wool or fleece gloves. And last but not least, bring a wading staff!

Have a change of cloths in the vehicle. Keep any extras you don't need that day in there too just in case you want to add a layer!

You could face any and all possible weather conditions from bright blue skies to snow storms around the lake. Check your weather and pack for the worst possible conditions and as long as you don't get blown off the water because of heavy precip you'll have a great time.

I look forward to hearing how it goes.